Carers News

This month's edition includes news about:

  • Carers Week Review
  • SCC on Radio & TV
  • Free Canal Trips
  • Calendar of Events
  • Carers UK Open Letter
  • Carers Art Group
  • Carers Voice Group
  • Menopause Group
  • State of Carers Survey
  • Interview on Care Fees
A review of our free events and activities for Carers Week 2024
Our programme of events from 10-16 June was designed to help unpaid carers directly - plus health and social care professionals that signpost carers to our services. We want to thank everyone who attended our free events to celebrate and support unpaid carers. Click more details to read a review of what we did for Carers Week and leave us feedback.
Sheffield Carers Centre featured on local radio and national TV
Our Chair of Trustees was recently interviewed on BBC Radio Sheffield for Carers Week. You can listen to this interview by clicking on more details. This interview starts around 16 minutes into the radio show. Our CEO and two unpaid carers were also interviewed by the BBC to discuss what support carers need from the government going forward. Watch this here >>>
Reserve a place on one of our free canal trips for carers
There is nothing quite like a day on the water to recharge your batteries, and we have partnered with The Ethel Trust to offer free canal trips for carers. We can take 10 carers on each trip so places are extremely limited. The available dates are 18 July and 13 August. We will leave Sheffield canal basin at around 10am and should be back by around 2pm. 
Take a look at our calendar of events for the month of July
Discover what upcoming events and support groups we have running in July and some new activities around Sheffield in August. Meet other carers and take a break from your caring role with us at some of our free activities. Use the 'more details' link to find out about our upcoming events, including the locations, dates, and how to contact us for more information.
An open letter from unpaid carers to the future Prime Minister
Carers UK are organising an open letter to the future Prime Minister on behalf of unpaid carers across the UK. This letter asks all parties to commit to transforming the lives of carers. You can join over 8000 others by adding your name. They will deliver the final letter to 10 Downing Street following the General Election. Click more details to read and sign this open letter.
We are launching a new art group for unpaid carers in Sheffield
This is a new group led by one of our team who is an experienced artist. It is a great opportunity for carers to meet others and explore their creativity. The group will meet at 10am to 12pm on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at Dearing House from 6 August. Places are limited so please click on more details to find out more and show your interest in attending. 
Join our Sheffield Carer Voice Group and make a positive change
If you want to share your experiences with health or social care services, to improve them for you and other carers, join our group. We want this group to be led by carers for carers, focusing on making Sheffield carer friendly. Local service providers will also be involved to listen and support. Click more details and find the link to join at the bottom of the webpage.
Join our new online Menopause Group for a cuppa and chat
This group allows you to share your menopause experiences and connect with others. Whether you're seeking advice, emotional support, or a friendly conversation, this session offers a community that understands the unique pressures faced by carers going through menopause. Click more details to find out how to join this event at the bottom of our events page.
Carers UK have launched their State of Caring 2024 survey
 As we approach a UK General Election, it is vital that carers voices are heard and campaign for change from the next Government. Carers UK want to know your experiences of being a carer in 2024. This survey is only for unpaid carers (or former unpaid carers) who are looking after a disabled, older or seriously ill relative or friend. The survey closes on 11 August.
Carer interviewed by BBC News on bankruptcy due to care fees 
One of our registered unpaid carers at the Sheffield Carers Centre was recently interviewed by BBC News to discuss how his wife’s care home fees could leave him bankrupt. Paul Stone said fees had increased by 15% in the past two years. He wants it to be easier for people like his wife to access financial support to help pay for care. Click more details to read his story.

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